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The “apple juice trouble”…

3Lingua - Translation Agency - Agencia de Traducción - www.3lingua.net
| 08/07/2020 |

The sentence could be translated as “problems with apple juice”, but it doesn’t make sense for a product name. We had these problems having to translate the term, thinking that the phrase was totally in English.

If we go to the dictionary, for “trouble” we will find: afflict, anguish, attribute … in the verbs section and: problem, trouble, difficulty, annoyance … in the nouns section. Of little help!

Also google.com was not helpful, since there was no combination with brands or types of juices that contained “trouble”. Until a collaborator came up with a Google search for “jus de pomme trouble” in French, which was the language to translate into, and voilà!

Moral: the term is a mix between English and French, since “trouble” in French is “doudy”. So what “doudy apple juice”. The origin of trouble is from Latin http://www.thefreedictionary.com/trouble

But, can you buy a doudy apple juice in a supermarket? Yes. In Europe it´s usual to distinguish between the clear juice and the doudy one that might includes some pieces of the fruit. In the case of apple juice, the doudy is more heavy and thick and it’s also used to cook some dishes.

So, remember, if you ever travel to France, to read the label of the juice. If you find the word “trouble” you already know the meaning of it. By the way, do you want a glass of apple juice? Try it and let us know what do you think about the taste.