Having an education in languages is important not only at a personal level but also mostly at an enterprise level. Having teams who are able to communicate confidently in other languages is vital in a globalized world like our own. Those who do will dominate the jargon of trade negotiations. This will give you an advantage over others in the same industry as yours and it will help you expand your business.
There are many teaching systems, both on-site and online. Each one of them has proved to be adequate for certain needs. In 3Lingua we offer our language teaching services, which are fully customized to companies across diverse industries. Although we also provide services for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge of a language. We work with reduced groups of one to four people in order to fully comprehend the needs of our students and teach them accordingly. We also contribute to the empowerment of technological, financial, informatics, health, and corporate concepts. This is why our company excels in providing education in languages that will help our students to communicate fluently in the business world.
As the testimony of our work, we quote the statements of Raúl de Mingo Domenech, chief operating officer of MGM and Mejoran, a corporate group with over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and 8 years in the instrumentation, data management, and bioinformatics areas. “Our current expansion policy towards other countries obliges us to equip our senior managers to deal with the internationalization of our business employing a solid knowledge of English”, de Mingo says. Certainly, his goals can be applied to any given language. By knowing the correct terminology of certain industries, you could take your company to the next level and initiate trading relations worldwide.
He also added, “We contacted 3Lingua and they prepared a customized study plan focusing on business English at an intermediate level, with 50 hours of course studies. Two of our managers received four and a half hours of classes a week on our premises, without having to move from one location to another. This experience has been very rewarding because the sessions implied many conversations and practical exercises in a relaxed and dynamic environment that promoted learning”. Practicing conversation in different scenarios prepares the students for situations they can encounter in the real world. By imitating a scenario where different parties advocates for the success of their companies, we prepare professionals to deal with common situations of the industry they work in.
Finally, Raúl de Mingo added, “Besides learning English, the teachers of 3Lingua have given us valuable knowledge about effective communication, which included presentations and writing conventions for e-mails, among other topics related to communication through coaching sessions”. Face-to-face encounters are as important as other means of communication. Addressing someone correctly when composing an e-mail or a memorandum will be decisive to give in part-exchange. Furthermore, presenting your brand efficiently will exclude your competition.
Why not study one of these languages?
- English (English), German (deutsch), Swiss-German (schwyzerdütsch)
- Spanish (español), Catalan (català), French (français)
- Italian (italiano), Portuguese (portugués), Romanian (româna)
- Russian (русский), Polish (polski), Bulgarian (български)
- Hungarian (magyar), Turkish (türkçe), Hebrew (עִבְרִית), Arab (العربية)
- Chinese (中国的), Corean (한국의), Japanese (日本の)