Specialised or technical translations
In the field of specialised translations we have topics as diverse as:
Utility services: electricity, water, civil works.
Another important subject area is foodstuffs: product labelling, product manuals and services, diets, agriculture, processing and ecological foodstuffs.
The environment concerns all of us: treatment plants, environmental engineering, ecological information for citizens, refuse treatment plants.
Energy: energy economy, energy production, energy squandering, solar energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, renewable energy sources (wind, solar), hydroelectric energy, nuclear energy, power plants, climate change, heating installations (heat pumps, remote controlled stations, pellets, coal, wood) and others.
The health sector: medicine, medicines, medical reports, clinical analyses, clinical studies, clinical processes, healthcare practices, psychology and psychiatry.
Product catalogues of any nature.
Sociological issues: geopolitics, politics, Christianism, ancient cultures, modern cultures, society.
Science: astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography.
Modern and ancient architecture: construction, civil engineering, plans.
History: The Greeks, the Romans, the Middle Ages, the Ottomans, the World Wars, epochs such as the Romanticism, the Baroque, the New World Order (NWO).
The Arts: such as the scenic arts, artistic shows (circus, etc.), cinematography, painting and its styles and periods, show business, leisure, comedies and other types of shows, graphic design, music.